New Beidi, New Journey: Celebration Assembly Held for the 70th anniversary of China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
Nov 1, 2022 Views:611

At 9 am on November the 1st, 2022, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of China University of Geosciences was held in the university gymnasium with high autumn good day and songs accompanied with stringed instruments for the ceremony. 

Sun Yao, Member of the Leading Party Committee and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Education; Zhuang Shaoqin, member of the Leading Party Committee and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources; Xia Linmao, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Education Working Committee of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee; Gong Qihuang, President of Peking University and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Ma Yongsheng, Chairman and Secretary of the Leading Party Committee of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Hou Zengqian, Deputy Director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Member of the Party Leading Group, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Zhao Pengda, former President of China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Zhai Yusheng, former President of China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Bi Kongzhang, former Secretary of the Party Committee of China University of Geosciences (Beijing); Wu Ganguo, former Secretary of the Party Committee and President of China University of Geosciences (Beijing); Deng Jun, former President of China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Wang Qiming, Deputy Director General of the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education; He Kaitao, Deputy Director general of the Department of Science and Technology Development of the Ministry of Natural Resources; Hou Huijun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Education Administration; Jiang Enlai, Vice-President and Secretary-General of the Chinese Association of Higher Education; Ning Qiuya, liaison officer for Party Building work in universities directly under the Ministry of Education. Distinguished professors and academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Li Shuguang, Mo Xuanxue, Wang Chengshan, Li Xianhua, Weng Lingbao, Li Mengju, Zhao Jingxuan, Zeng Xuelu, Duan Xinnian, Xu Yuankai and other distinguished guests and leaders attended the conference. All the university leaders, people from all walks of life who care about and support the of China University of Geosciences, representatives of old comrades, teachers and students, etc. attend the conference.

Ma Junjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the school, presided over the meeting. On behalf of the university, he expressed his heartfelt thanks to people from all walks of life who have been caring and supporting the construction and development of the university for a long time. Cordial greeting to the alumni at home and abroad, all teachers, students and staff were also extended. 

The university also received 242 congratulatory letters and 24 video messages from 258 local governments, enterprises, institutions, universities and other units.

Sun Yao, member of the leading Party Group of the Ministry of Education and Vice minister, pointed out in his speech that China University of Geosciences is the cradle of high-level geoscience talents training in our country. In the past 70 years, adhering to the motto of "hard working and plain living, truth-seeking and pragmatic", the university has carried forward the fine tradition of geology serving the country, trained more than 200,000 talents of various types for the country, and made historic contributions to the construction and development of new China. In the recent 10 years, the university has made many outstanding achievements in the field of geoscience development, personnel training and innovative research. In the new era and the new journey, the university should firmly grasp the direction of socialist education, study and implement President Xi Jinping’s Thought of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, study President Xi Jinping’s important discussion about education, carry out the spirit of the Party's 20th congress to all links and key points of moral education, and make new contributions for the country to create a first-class university. To truly become a world-class platform base in the process of future talent training, by 2035  the university will rank among the top disciplines in the field of Earth science in the world. To speed up the construction of science and technology forces as a national strategy, a deep understanding that education, science and technology, and talents are the basis and strategic support for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way should be built. It is hoped that the university will create new glory by building education powerhouse for the nation at a new historical starting point.

Zhuang Shaoqin, member of the Party Leading Group and Vice minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources, pointed out in his speech that the past 70 years has been a glorious history of endeavor for the China University of Geosciences. The university always adheres to the original intention of serving the country through geology, and the motto of "hard working plain living, truth-seeking and pragmatic". Bearing the glorious mission of pioneering socialism, it has made outstanding contributions to promoting the industrial take-off and geological development of new China. The Ministry of Natural Resources and China University of Geosciences are closely related and develop together. Over the years, the two sides have continued close cooperation in discipline construction, talent training, basic research and other aspects. The university has become one of the first batch of science and education integration platform recognized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Education. In the future, the Ministry of Natural Resources will continue to vigorously support the construction and development of the university, making unremitting efforts to build the university into a world-class university in the field of earth sciences as soon as possible and jointly accelerate the construction of a new pattern of development, the construction of modernization with a harmonious coexistence of man and nature with powerful scientific and technological and talent support.

Xia Linmao, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Education Committee, pointed out in his speech that China University of Geosciences inherited the revolutionary gene since its establishment, always adhered to the original intention of educating people, reform and innovation, and serving the development of the capital, and has made fruitful achievements in construction and development in the past. Standing at a new historical starting point, the university should set a good example in upholding and strengthening the overall leadership of the Party. With the Party's political building as the leader, high-quality Party building leads high-quality development. First-class achievements are to be made in the implementation of the fundamental task of moral education, and focuses should be put on cultivating new people with ideals, courage to bear who can endure hardship, and are willing to struggle. Efforts should be made in serving major national strategies, and provide great wisdom for promoting harmonious coexistence between man and nature and promoting the building of a beautiful China. The university should set an example in serving the development of the capital in the new era, and integrate into and serve the development of the capital in the new era with greater achievements. It is hoped that the university will write more colorful historical chapters in the great journey of building itself into a world-class university in the field of earth sciences and a power in education and talent.

Academician Sun Youhong, the president, delivered a speech on behalf of the university entitled "Inheriting the glory of Geology and Carrying forward the mission of The Times". He pointed out that at the successful conclusion of the 20th Party Congress, the whole Party and the whole country are rapidly setting off an upsurge in studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th Party Congress. Today's anniversary convention is endowed with special significance as well as a concentric trend with the Party. On the eve of the university’s 70th anniversary, President Xi Jinping replied to all the geological workers of the Sixth Geological Brigade of Shandong Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. The reply embodies the great importance of the Party Central Committee to the cause of geology, deep concern for geological workers, and full affirmation of the fine tradition of geological work. This makes the colleagues on the broad geological front deeply encouraged and inspired. This makes the whole community of China University of Geosciences feel proud to celebrate its 70th anniversary, and adds a unique glory to today's anniversary conference. For the past 70 years, the university has breathed and shared the fate with the nation and the development of with the geological industry. The university has experienced three stages of development: prospecting for the country to pioneer the way; waiting for the spring to reborn; leading the Times to rejuvenate the dream. It has polished the name card of a cradle of education, cast a geological oath to serve the country, and set up a determined belief in truth.

Sun Youhong said, under the guidance of the Spirits of the 20th National Congress of CPC, inspired by the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s replying to all the geological workers of the sixth Geological Brigade of Shandong Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, we will inherit the glory of geology and bravely undertake mission of The Times. To extend ceaseless genes of revolution, focus on cultivating talents, seek answers for better education, we will carry forward the spirit of climbing, focus on national needs, and make good use of the power of innovation. It is necessary to enhance the consciousness of vanguard, open up the pattern of university-running, and take the road of endeavor. The university will closely unite around the CPC Central Committee with comrades Xi Jinping at its core, hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study, publicize and implement the Party's 20 Great Spirits, and integrate thoughts and actions into the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee. In keeping with the CPC Central Committee and in accordance with China's national conditions, the university will work hard to ring its faculty and program to open a new journey of building itself into a world-class university in the field of earth sciences. It is believed that new and greater contributions to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and advancing human civilization will be realized efforts from all.

Academician Gong Qihuang, President of Peking University, delivered a speech as the representative of fraternal institutions. He reviewed in his speech the course of running the university, which has always followed the glorious guidance of the Party and resonated with the national revitalization and today the China University of Geosciences has become the cradle of national geoscience talents and an important base for geoscience research. Peking University and China University of Geosciences has a profound historical origin and have forge a strong friendship hand in hand in a long-term. In recent years, the two universities have continuously deepened exchanges and cooperation in many fields such as strengthening geological science research, serving the construction of "four centers" in the capital, and jointly cultivated a number of high-level talents. From a new starting point to new opportunities, new campaign is called for the future. He hopes that the two universities will continue to deepen their traditional friendship, strengthen practical cooperation, and jointly deliver education that is satisfactory to the people so as to acclerate the construction of education power, technological power, and the contribution of reinvigorating China through human resource development in colleges and universities.

Professor Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht, President of Technische Universit?t Bergakademie Freiberg Germany, as a representative of overseas universities, delivered a video message to express his sincere congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the university. He spoke highly of the achievements of the University in university-running with frequent highlights in recent years, and fully affirmed the important achievements of cooperation with the University in many fields over the years. It is hoped that the two universities will continue to deepen cooperation, build deeper friendship and produce more fruitful results.

Academician Ma Yongsheng, chairman and Party Secretary of SINOPEC, made a speech on behalf of the alumni. He looked back on his life at his Alma mater and thanked it for opening the door to the world of science and setting him on the path of geoscience exploration. In his speech, he expressed that the solid professional foundation and rigorous academic attitude he acquired at his Alma mater have always been the source of strength for him to overcome difficulties and forge ahead. Academician Ma Yongsheng stressed that the current development of the university has entered a new historical stage, and he hoped that all the teachers, students and staff of China University of Geosciences can be self-reliant, innovative and work hard together to write new glory in the new era and new journey so as to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Prof. Wang Genhou of the School of Earth Sciences and Resources spoke on behalf of the faculty. He described the unforgettable process of the development and construction of China University of Geosciences as a witness of its development and changes, looking back on the happy time with students. He said that as a front-line teacher, he would deeply study and implement the Spirit of the 20th CPC Congress, devote himself to the "double first-class" construction with enthusiasm and a positive attitude, and contribute all his strength to the cause of education.

Zhang Shitong, a 2020 graduate student of the Academy of Science, spoke as a student representative. In her speech she shared her personal experience of 7 years in the university and thanked the unviersity for providing a broad platform for students' development. She hoped that more and more students of China University of Geosciences will walk together and advance together with the new era, and can stay true to their original aspiration, shoulder their mission, and strive to become a member of China University of Geosciences with both integrity and ability.

Ma Junjie, secretary of the CPC Committee, pointed out at the conference that in the report to the 20th National Congress a blueprint has been drawn for the comprehensively building of a modern socialist country and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The ardent hope put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping for the development of education is the fundamental follow of our work. Taking the 70th anniversary celebration as a new starting point, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) will conscientiously study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress. Under the guidance of President Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era, it will aim at the historical position and goal of the development of education, embark on a new journey and focus on the "three-stage" strategic goals of occupying the high ground, climbing the plateau and climbing the peak by following the "Four Landing" action guide, focusing on Party building around the "Five Studies" to carry out the Seven Major projects in a coordinated manner. We will put the leadership of the Party through all fields of running the university, all links of education and teaching, and all aspects of personnel training, strive to write a new chapter in the construction of a world-class university in the field of earth science with Chinese characteristics, and make great contribution to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

The conference was broadcast globally through online platforms such as People's Daily video client, CCTV video, WeChat, Weibo and Alumni, teachers, students and friends from all walks of life at home and abroad shared the event through the cloud to celebrate anniversary of the university.

(News by Han Daitong, Photo by Qu Yuanying, Xu Xiaolei, Wang Hetong, Huang Yuxiu)